Totally Rad Hub

What the National Education Plan for Music 2023 means for music education in the UK

man playing violin

What the National Education Plan for Music 2023 means for music education in the UK.

The National Education Plan for Music 2023, jointly produced by the Department for Education and

the Department for Digital Culture, Media and Sport, sets out the Government’s vision for music

education for 2030. But the question is, what does this really mean for music education in the UK?

The plan is aimed at making music tuition more accessible to all students, ensuring that music

remains an integral part of the national curriculum and making sure it supports “disadvantaged

pupils with significant music potential, enthusiasm and commitment.” At Totally RAD, it’s safe to say

that we’re very excited about the potential of this plan and the impact it could have on the lives of

young people up and down the country.

The National Education Plan for Music 2023 is divided into several key areas. Firstly, it aims to make

sure that every child has access to quality music education, regardless of their background or

circumstances. Something that’s intrinsically aligned with Totally RAD’s ethos. This means that

schools will be encouraged to offer a broad range of musical activities, and most importantly the

resources to enable that to happen.

The plan also includes case studies and resources aimed to provide practical guidance for early tears

providers schools, academy trusts, music hubs and others.” The report also emphasises the role of

schools at the centre of music education and how these facilities can and should be supported by

music hubs.

Now, as a pretty great music hub ourselves, we already know the value our services bring to schools.

Taking care of all admin needs, scheduling and tuition enquiries, we provide trusted, end-to-end,

full-service music tuition from skilled professionals – we even supply all music equipment free of

charge. So, it comes as no surprise that music hubs are sitting at the very centre of government

plans for a full music education reboot.

High quality music education enables lifelong benefits that go much further than simply learning to

play an instrument. Including improved cognitive benefits, better mental

wellbeing and greater academic success which is why it is vitally important that quality music education is accessible for everyone. And that is exactly

what music hubs are created to do, support educators, and ensure they have the necessary

resources and training to provide high-quality music education for students.

Another key aspect of the plan is promoting diversity and inclusivity in music education. This means

encouraging schools to offer a range of musical genres and styles, including those that may be less

well-known or underrepresented. At Totally RAD, this is quite literally, music to our ears, from guitar

to drums, piano to vocals, the violin to the ukulele, whatever music tastes our students have, we

have the skilled professionals to make your music dreams come true. And, with the 2023 plan also

aiming to increase opportunities for students from diverse backgrounds to participate in music

education and perform in public, that means more live music from talented and passionate people –

what’s not to love?

At Totally RAD, we are excited to see what the results of the National Education Plan for Music 2023

will bring. We believe that music education should be accessible to all students, regardless of their

background, and we know what a profound impact music can have on young people's lives.

Our HUB services are designed to help schools and students achieve their music education goals. We

provide fully managed music tuition from professional, skilled, and vetted musicians, with services

ranging from face-to-face to in-school and online. Our mission is to help students develop their

musical skills and knowledge, while also promoting the many benefits of music education, including

improved mental health, cognitive function, and social connections.

The National Education Plan for Music 2023 represents a major step forward for music education in

the UK. By focusing on accessibility, quality, and inclusivity, the plan has the potential to transform

the lives of young people and ensure that music education remains a vital part of the national

curriculum. At Totally RAD, we're excited about the opportunities this plan presents and we look forward to playing our part in supporting its implementation. If you want to know more about how we can help your school achieve its music goals.